Sunday, June 10, 2012

Daily Kos: a few brief thoughts after Providence

Daily Kos: a few brief thoughts after Providence:

a few brief thoughts after Providence

I was delighted with how packed the room was for the session I organized on education with Diane Ravitch and John Jackson.  Both Diane and John enjoyed themselves.  While I am aware of a diary that was critical of the session, I was honored by the number of people who came up to me and thanked me for the session, who got value from it.
I found the part of Providence in which we were located to be delightfully walkable.  I enjoyed many of the events and parties outside of the convention center.
For me one of the most important parts of each convention is the chance to connect with people.  There were many whose screen names I knew but whom I had never met, and I was delighted to be able to have a face to go with the name.  I was honored by the kind words about my writing, and good wishes for whatever may come next now that I will be retired - tomorrow will be my last day in the school building, and officially as of July 1 I will no longer be employed.
A brief explanation, something some people knew.  I did not get to see as many people as I wanted to, in part