Friday, June 1, 2012

The CTU strike vote, Jonah Edelman and sweet revenge. « Fred Klonsky

The CTU strike vote, Jonah Edelman and sweet revenge. « Fred Klonsky:

The CTU strike vote, Jonah Edelman and sweet revenge.

“Hey, hey, ho, ho. Rahm Emanuel’s got to go!”
One of the things I am most proud of as a blogger was how a bunch of us dragged that little weasel, Jonah Edelman and his Stand for Children organization, out from the shadows a year ago.
They’re still around, of course. They are still doing their weasel work.
But Edelman game into town like a snake in the grass, handing out checks to legislators and kissing Madigan’s butt. And with the cooperation of IEA Executive Director Audrey Soglin and then-IEA President Ken Swanson, worked to get Senate Bill 7 passed through the legislature.
The little snot then went flying off to Aspen and gave a lecture on how to screw unions with the cooperation of the union leaders themselves. The lecture was taped and with the help of a few other education bloggers and