Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Best Posts On The Weirdest School Reform Story Of The Year (So Far, At Least) | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

The Best Posts On The Weirdest School Reform Story Of The Year (So Far, At Least) | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…:

The Best Posts On The Weirdest School Reform Story Of The Year (So Far, At Least)

There have been some good posts over the past few days about what is clearly — to me, at least — one of the weirdest school reform stories of the year. The Gates Foundation has granted over a million dollars for the testing (and wearing) of “galvanic skin sensors” to see if they could be used “regularly in schools with students and teachers” to measure classroom engagement.
These sensors (which seem to be typically worn as wristbands) measure emotional arousal to stimulation and are used in lie detectors and in the mental health field for biofeedback to help people control stress. They are also used by advertisers and The Church of Scientology (their famous “E-Readers”).
Anthony Cody and Diane Ravitch have written excellent posts on this topic already, so I’ll just link to them in a