Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Assessment Gap in Career and College Readiness — Whole Child Education

The Assessment Gap in Career and College Readiness — Whole Child Education:

ASCD Whole Child Bloggers

The Assessment Gap in Career and College Readiness

Post written by Douglas B. Reeves, founder of the Leadership and Learning Center in Salem, Mass., and author of ASCD books on educational leadership. Connect with Reeves by e-mail atDReeves@LeadAndLearn.com. This post was originally featured in ASCD Express.
What does "college and career readiness" mean? The Common Core State Standards suggest some clear and reasonable criteria. Consider the example of critical thinking. The Common Core documents suggest that students must be able to examine claims, arguments, and evidence and determine whether or not the evidence supports the claim. In addition, students should be able to advance arguments and support their ideas with evidence. The Common Core also places a heavy emphasis on informational writing, a need highlighted by college professors frustrated by the poor writing skills of even high-achieving high school students.
Businesses, which spend more than $3 billion annually on remedial writing skills, also have very pragmatic