Sunday, June 17, 2012

All Education Matters: National Emergency? Suicidal Student Debtors (Plus Senator Begich Thanks Me For My Advocacy)

All Education Matters: National Emergency? Suicidal Student Debtors (Plus Senator Begich Thanks Me For My Advocacy):

National Emergency? Suicidal Student Debtors (Plus Senator Begich Thanks Me For My Advocacy)

The suicidal notes continue to come my way. One man told me that he is planning to kill himself. I have reached out and told him that he can talk to me whenever he likes. I also contacted a fantastic scholar and clinical psychologist who has offered to help as well.

If you are suicidal, I urge you to reach out to people you trust (family, friends, a pastor, or a therapist). If you don't wish to do that, seek guidance from organizations like the National Suicide Prevention lifeline (800-273-8255) or visit their websiteAvoid the desire to isolate yourself. It is completely understandable to feel this way, especially when you know that you are most likely indebted for life - the feelings of low self-worth are overwhelming, and the desire to leave this life seems rational. However, suicide is not the solution to the crisis. As I've said in past posts, those who love you would be absolutely devastated if you were to take your life. I, as a fellow human being and sympathizer, would be broken up to learn of such deaths.

On a very positive note, last week I was on a teleconference call with Senators Begich (D-AK), Brown (D-OH), and Reed (D-RI). During the call I was able to bring up student loans and suicide. I let them know that the situation is worsening, people are more desperate, and many more are coming to me and admitting that they are suicidal. I told them that this is a "national emergency," and something needs to be done now. That means leaders should not wait until after the elections in November, or, God forbid, 2013.

Senator Mark Begich (D-AK)