Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weekly Update : The Philadelphia horror story, no more school libraries (another WTF Moment in EDucation)

Weekly Update : The Philadelphia horror story, no more school libraries in DC if the school chancellor has anything to do with it, other privatizing insanity and the push back | Seattle Education:

Weekly Update : The Philadelphia horror story, no more school libraries in DC if the school chancellor has anything to do with it, other privatizing insanity and the push back

All the news that fits…and there is a lot of it this week.

f you haven’t watch it yet, The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman is a must watch on the subject of charter schools. We have the ability in our state to learn from the mistakes of others who have gone down the road of privatization of their public schools. To put it simply, the process of corporatizing a public trust does far more harm than good.
One action that the corporate privatizers of education do, instead of supporting our public schools and the individuals and institutions that support our schools, they simply close them and replace them with privatized services or don’t replace them at all.
They demand more than anyone could possibly live up to and when these individuals and institutions “fail” they state that the effort is a waste of time and money and shut them down. An easy solution for them but one that is painful, disorienting and damaging to the communities where these schools and institutions are located.
One action that happened recently that defies all logic is the shutting down of libraries, a place that provides