Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Two Polls Show Floridians Want an End to Reliance on High Stakes Test | Scathing Purple Musings

Two Polls Show Floridians Want an End to Reliance on High Stakes Test | Scathing Purple Musings:

Two Polls Show Floridians Want an End to Reliance on High Stakes Test

The Florida Current and the Northwest Florida Daily News have polls which shows that by  61% to 39% and 83% to 17% , respectively,  Floridians want something else for their children.
Rebukes continue for Jeb Bush’s test-based system. Such polling data when combined with the outrage that Bush’s hand-picked education commissioner in Gerard Robinson is facing on his FCAT Listening/Apology/It’s Here to Stay Tour indicate significant opposition by Floridians – voters and taxpayers all.
The implications of the collapse of Bush’s test-based system are more far-reaching than what appears on the