Friday, May 11, 2012

StudentsFirst Tries, Fails to be a Real Grassroots Organization | Fired Up! Missouri

StudentsFirst Tries, Fails to be a Real Grassroots Organization | Fired Up! Missouri:

StudentsFirst Tries, Fails to be a Real Grassroots Organization

StudentsFirst, a national front group founded by former Washington DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, recently landed in Jefferson City to push union busting, anti-education legislation in the Missouri General Assembly.  Most recently, StudentsFirst was behind HB 1526, a bill which will all but eliminate teacher tenure in Missouri; ignore certification, experience and a teacher commitment in determining layoffs; allow out of state groups to run our schools and tell Missourians what's best for our students, parents and teachers; lastly, HB 1526 will take away local control over education from our communities.
As many other right wing funded groups, StudentsFirst parades around the country as a grassroots organization when in reality, it's just another way for the 1% to attack hard working teachers, the children they educate and the public school system.  On Wednesday, StudentsFirst held a luncheon for their grassroots activists in Kansas City, here's the email that went out inviting folks:

Other Astroturf lobbying groups like Stand ON Children First

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