Friday, May 25, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: City of Seattle-Protect Neighborhoods Where Our Schools Sit

Seattle Schools Community Forum: City of Seattle-Protect Neighborhoods Where Our Schools Sit:

City of Seattle-Protect Neighborhoods Where Our Schools Sit

I can't tell you how many times you hear the Mayor or the City Council members lament that they want to do more for Seattle Schools.

They don't have governance of the schools.  But while the district is responsible for what goes on inside and on the grounds of every school, it is the CITY'S job to protect the areas around the schools.

The Rainier Beach High School area (which also includes South Shore and Dunlap nearby) has had a huge amount of violence and shootings incidents.  RBHS suffers as a result of it and is that their fault?  It is not.

And now we have an innocent father killed while driving his children and his own father, right by Garfield High