Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Schools Matter: McIntyre Uses Fear Card Against Knoxville Teachers in Hopes of Building Support for Merit Pay Scheme

Schools Matter: McIntyre Uses Fear Card Against Knoxville Teachers in Hopes of Building Support for Merit Pay Scheme:

McIntyre Uses Fear Card Against Knoxville Teachers in Hopes of Building Support for Merit Pay Scheme

Despite well-funded astroturf groups, the support of the Chamber of Commerce and the State Business Roundtable, and the unceasing positive spin by local corporate media, Eli Broad's Jim McIntyre's budget plan in Knoxville is in trouble.  

Today teachers will be held after school to hear new scare tactics and threats about what will happen if McIntyre does not get his $35 million for a merit  pay [sic] plan that has a proven record of failure.

Sent to me by a Knoxville teacher, this is McIntyre's recent letter to teachers, his "colleagues."  Bolds are those of the teacher who sent this, whose name must remain anonymous for fear of losing his/her job: