Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Schools Matter: The Garden State is now the Hypochristie State

Schools Matter: The Garden State is now the Hypochristie State:

The Garden State is now the Hypochristie State

Hyposcrisy: the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc., contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, esp the pretence of virtue and piety

Another gem from Stan Karp and the people at Education Law Center and Rethinking Schools where intelligence, research and facts still live and breathe.

"I began my career as a high school history teacher, and I can honestly say that I never worked harder or felt more rewarded than I did during those four years. We as a state should make sure that we celebrate outstanding educators every day for their work with our children and for developing the next generation of leaders.”
--Acting Education Commissioner Chris Cerf in his Teacher Appreciation Week message.

Dear Mr. Cerf,

If teaching was so great and you never worked harder or felt more rewarded, exactly why did you leave the