Thursday, May 31, 2012

A scary (and telling) school voucher story - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

A scary (and telling) school voucher story - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

A scary (and telling) school voucher story

If you are wondering where the new rush to implement school voucher programs in state after state may be taking us, consider these developments from Louisiana.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (Mike Carlson - Associated Press)
Gov. Bobby Jindal recently signed a new law that sets up the largest voucher program of any state in the country. It is part of a series of “reforms” that Jindal says will expand school choice for families and critics say is the broadest state assault on public educationin the country.
Louisiana just announced that for 2012-13, 125 private and religious schools from across the state have qualified to participate in Louisiana Believes program, which gives families public money to pay school tuition for their children.
One of those schools is the church-affiliated New Living Word School, which was approved to increase its student enrollment from 122 to 315