Sunday, May 27, 2012

Save Our Schools D.C. Convention 2012

Save Our Schools D.C. Convention 2012

Speakers/Supporters. Deborah Meier, Nancy Carlsson Paige, and Jonathan Kozol
Please Join Us in D.C.
Last summer, we brought thousands of people to the SOS March & Rally in D.C. This summer, teachers, parents, students and community activists are gathering again in the nation’s capitol at the SOS People’s Principles Convention. Join us to adopt a People’s Principles on the most urgent issues facing public education. Let’s use this meeting as a chance to have our voices heard as we head towards November’s elections.
{Registration is underway. Early Subscribers Fee $150.]
To Register and help us pay for the People’s Principles Convention, please travel through the PayPal button displayed on the right side of this announcement. You will be asked to complete a Registration Form as well provide billing information. We thank you for your participation and commitment to the Authentic Education Reform cause.
Real Education Reform Realized Through Election 2012
On the March to Preserve and Transform Our Public Schools to the Streets

The Save Our Schools People’s Principles Convention
 is scheduled for August 3rd through the 5th, 2012.
The event will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington D.C. 
The exact location
 is 2660 Woodley Road NW · Washington, District Of Columbia 20008 USA 
Convention Site Telephone Number
Save Our Schools On the March Contact
We expect hundreds of people from around the country. We welcome parents, pupils, people of all professions and persuasions. Please come to D.C. and assist us in crafting the message. Together we will adopt a progressive set of Principles [planks] to present to both parties in time for their upcoming conventions.
Last summer, as you might recall, we organized thousands of teachers for our March/Rally in D.C. Matt Damon, a man with an avid interest in authentic education, delivered a reasoned and supportive keynote speech. Jonathan Kozol, Diane Ravitch, Deborah Meier, Pedro Noguera, and Jose Vilson generously shared their expertise and experiences. Numerous professional affiliations supported our event. These individuals and organizations actively care about America’s children.
This year, in the run-up to the elections, our approach will be different. We are convening to coalesce with dozens of other groups, including teachers, parents, students and community coalitions. As one we will compose a profoundly powerful Principles. This document along with the sincerely dedicated actions of average citizens will effectively change the standard education conversation in homes and those heard on the floors of political Parties at their respective conventions. We will focus on:
  • defense of public education against privatization, vouchers, privately-run charters and “turnarounds”
  • opposition to massive and arbitrary school closings, especially in underserved communities
  • overuse of high-stakes standardized testing, including use of test scores to evaluate teachers
  • defense of teachers and their collective-bargaining rights, and opposition to the current assault on teacher and other public employee unions
  • equity issues and alleviation of poverty as essential to improving schools and student learning
In this effort we view educators and those believe in public education as a primary allies. We are aware that without support of the public, no change is possible. Together let us plan to March wherever potential and current policymakers meet.
In 2012, Presidential Candidates as well as Congressional Contenders will be on the Campaign Trail. We will greet them there. Be it in Charlotte, North Carolina, Tampa Bay, Florida, in your hometown and mine, everyday people will have an opportunity to speak publically about the issues. Education Reform will be prominent on the agenda.
News reports on the State of Education fill the airwaves. Moms, Dads, and Grandparents fret. “Will my child receive an excellent education or an adequate one?” Have our offspring of recent generations been “Left Behind.” Surely, we need only survey tests scores to see that American children did not “Race To The Top.” Thus, the message to take far and wide, all across America…
Save Our Schools! Preserve and Transform Public Education!