Monday, May 21, 2012

Priorities. « Fred Klonsky

Priorities. « Fred Klonsky:


I posted a picture of Illinois State Police on Facebook yesterday. It provoked some passionate comments.
One was from a cop, my friend and former neighbor, Abraham.
Abraham did what you would expect most cops to do. He defended his buddies and his job.
What my friend Abraham doesn’t say is whether he was on duty yesterday at the NATO protest.
Or if he has traveled around the city these last few days like I have.
I was in Grant Park yesterday. There were thousands of people who looked pretty much like people I have been with at protests my entire life. If I said that there were a hundred Black Bloc anarchists, that would be an over-estimate.
A friend joked that you would confuse them for clerks at Hollisters.
More significant were the number of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans who threw their medals over the security