Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 5-22-12: Do it tomorrow!

Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 5-22-12: Do it tomorrow!:

PSAT for 5-22-12: Do it tomorrow!

Today’s Public Schools Action Tuesday is to be ready to do two things tomorrow:  

1) Watch the Sun-Times. You’ll know. Share.

2) Join Parents 4 Teachers and many others in support of our teachers’ union. The CTU is holding a members-only rally at the Auditorium Theater tomorrow afternoon, and  parents and community members (and the overflow of teachers) will rally outside beginning at 3 pm.
Here’s why (from Parents 4 Teachers):
Parents hear the media, politicians and corporate education “reformers” bad mouth teachers every day. But parents see the hard work and dedication of teachers every day.
We know teachers are NOT to blame for the challenges facing our schools.
Blaming teachers . . .
  • Diverts attention from the real problems in education, like under-resourced schools, large class size, and high-stakes testing.
  • Demoralizes teachers and, ultimately, kids. To succeed teachers need to feel and be valued, supported and respected.
  • Shifts the blame from the root cause of what ails education today, an inequitable, two-tiered school system that discriminates based on race and class.
By standing up for teachers, we hope to shift the terms of education debate and work for real school reform.
Standing up for teachers means standing up for our kids!