Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"NYSUT activists call for privacy for teachers evaluations." May 21, 2012. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals. www.nysut.org

"NYSUT activists call for privacy for teachers evaluations." May 21, 2012. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals. www.nysut.org:

NYSUT activists call for privacy for teachers evaluations

ALBANY, N.Y. May 21, 2012 - Hundreds of grassroots lobbyists from New York State United Teachers will vigorously press lawmakers Tuesday to enact legislation protecting the privacy rights of teachers by shielding their evaluations from exploitation by the public and news media.
"This is an opportunity for legislators and the Governor to do the right thing and show respect for the state's teachers," said NYSUT President Richard C. Iannuzzi. "Every employee, public and private, should be able to expect a certain level of confidentiality when it comes to personnel records. Elected officials who say otherwise have lost touch with the people they represent."
NYSUT activists will call for legislation to remove the right of the media and public to have access to teacher and principal evaluations, as at least 26 states have already done. Iannuzzi said preventing public exposure of teachers' evaluations is essential to the purpose of New York's teacher-principal evaluation law – improving teacher quality in order to enhance student learning.
Teachers and other educators who are members of NYSUT's special committee of volunteer activists will arrive at the concourse of the Empire State Plaza (Madison 

NYSUT demands end to 'broken' testing system

Armed with a resolution overwhelmingly adopted by nearly 2,000 delegates at the union's annual convention, NYSUT is demanding an end to the current system of testing in New York - and calling on SED to reduce the focus on questionable standardized tests in favor of quality measures of student learning that are more "accurate, fair and appropriate."

Iannuzzi: The essence of our dream is our unity

We, as unionists in education, health care and public service are the key to reclaiming the American Dream for millions of Americans: the unemployed, the under-employed; the immigrant, the migrant worker; the student on the wrong side of the achievement gap, the patient seeking proper health care; and, the less fortunate seeking assistance through the multitude of services our dedicated members provide. All of us create opportunity for all who seek the American Dream.