Wednesday, May 23, 2012

NYC Educator: Trash Teachers! Sell Papers!

NYC Educator: Trash Teachers! Sell Papers!:

Trash Teachers! Sell Papers!

I don't need to recount the stories about the UFT President. The Post has done a fine job of that, demonstrating it does not discriminate between lowly teachers and union leaders. It's willing to convict any and all of us without a trial, without a hearing, without conscience, and without reservation.

Mulgrew is a public figure, unlike the teachers they usually go after, so I suppose he has to live with this stuff regardless. The tabloids, Dennis Walcott and therefore Michael Bloomberg, don't even care when teachers are acquitted. They have no problem convicting them in the press all over again, dredging out file letters that were thrown out years ago, and dragging them through the mud all over again.

I insist on the whole innocent until proven guilty thing for teachers and I don't see why the standard should be