Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No Charter School. Yes, Public Waldorf School | California Progress Report

No Charter School. Yes, Public Waldorf School | California Progress Report:

No Charter School. Yes, Public Waldorf School

Robert-Ovetz@UN.gifBy Robert Ovetz, Ph.D.
Across the state public schools are threatened with a “death by a thousand cuts” of budget cuts, rising class sizes, standardized tests, and teacher lay-offs that set our children up for failure. Waiting in the wings is the charter school industrial complex seeking to turn our public schools into the next profit making industry. Schools and even entire districts are being shut down and re-opened as privatized charter schools in New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, and Philadelphia.
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How to Tax California’s One Percent

By Lenny Goldberg, California Tax Reform Association, andRoy Ulrich, Goldman School of Public Policy at U.C. Berkeley
Jerry Brown’s most recent budget proposal takes a meat ax to vital programs, including Medi-Cal and in home support services (IHHS). Why do we refer to them as “vital?” IHHS, for example, helps the disabled and seniors live safely in their own homes, thus obviating the need to place them in more costly outside facilities.
The governor’s plan represents the latest and worst in a spending cuts-only approach which California seems to specialize in. Reaping the benefits of this approach are the rich and powerful. The losers are those without high-priced lobbyists: the poor and the weak.
There are several potential revenue sources the rich and powerful have been able to avoid while other states, including a few very red ones, have seen fit to tap them.
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Study: Cal/OSHA Inspections Save Lives