Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Misreading the Achievement Gap: A Tale of Bi-Partisan Failure | Education | AlterNet

Misreading the Achievement Gap: A Tale of Bi-Partisan Failure | Education | AlterNet:

Misreading the Achievement Gap: A Tale of Bi-Partisan Failure

It's not student achievement, but student equity that should concern us, says this Professor of Education.
Photo Credit: John Steel |
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It took about twenty years, and then another secondary ten years, but the hysterical and misleading A Nation at Risk under the Reagan administration successfully kicked off three decades of public school accountability.
In the beginning, the hysteria revolved around several points that were factually inaccurate, but publicly effective: (1) U.S. public schools were failing, (2) U.S. students were weak, and possibly lazy, but their schools didn't do much to challenge them, and (3) because of this cycle of lazy students in failing schools, U.S.