Thursday, May 17, 2012

Is an 'Occupy Teach For America' Movement Brewing? - Education - GOOD

Is an 'Occupy Teach For America' Movement Brewing? - Education - GOOD:

Is an 'Occupy Teach For America' Movement Brewing?

Influential New York City educator Gary Rubinstein has long been critical of Teach for America, the organization that brought him into the classroom 21 years ago. In a blog post last fall, he argued that people should no longer sign up to join the organization. Now, he's asking TFA teachers and alumni to take action against what he calls "the corporate reform movement for which TFA is the poster child."
"Now you’ve experienced how difficult teaching is. You've seen, also, how complex the achievement gap is too,"Rubinstein writes. He goes on to ask some tough questions that challenge key tenets of the TFA philosophy: "So do you really believe that the issue is 'bad teachers' who need to be motivated through fear of being fired or

Infographic: For Wealthy Chinese Students, Studying Abroad Becomes the Norm

infographic, GOOD, education, china
China spends a relatively small percentage of its budget on education, ranking 101st of 187 countries included in