Thursday, May 17, 2012

How Gerard Robinson is Taking the FCAT Bullet for Jeb Bush | Scathing Purple Musings

How Gerard Robinson is Taking the FCAT Bullet for Jeb Bush | Scathing Purple Musings:

How Gerard Robinson is Taking the FCAT Bullet for Jeb Bush

This afternoon, the Miami Herald became the latest media outlet to blame this week’s FCAT writing disaster on eduction commissioner Gerard Robinson:
This latest FCAT fiasco falls squarely on Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson. He was warned by superintendents there should be more time to take in the new measurements, as Florida moves to the next level. At least he acted quickly to inject some sanity into the process on the writing exam, but why cause such a predictable panic in the first place?
The Herald is correct that superintendents cautioned against such radical changes in FCAT scoring. But Robinson wasn’t alone in wanting increases to FCAT value. Both Jeb Bush’s foundation and the Florida Chamber