Thursday, May 3, 2012

Florida School Board Member Mocks FCAT With Video | Scathing Purple Musings

Florida School Board Member Mocks FCAT With Video | Scathing Purple Musings:

Florida School Board Member Mocks FCAT With Video

Florida’s republican legislators don’t like to be accused of ending local control of schools. But trying to end school board member salaries and giving final oversight of charter schools to Tallahassee political appointees is well, attempting to end local control of schools. It must really chap their behind when a clever school member from a big district mocks the anchor to their education philosophy. Leslie Postal of the Orlando Sentinelreports:
The pain and frustration of failing FCAT gets on-air attention in a new video that was produced by — and stars — local high school students.
“I took it, failed it,” says one student from Freedom High in Orange County. “My Mom loved me, still she had that look like, ‘ugh, I can’t believe you failed it.’ It was a hard time for me.”
The video produced in Freedom’s television production studio also features School Board member Rick Roach, who wants to “stop the madness” of Florida’s high-stakes testing program. He