Saturday, May 19, 2012

California Budget: Why Do We Cut Schools to Build Jails? | Ella Baker Center

California Budget: Why Do We Cut Schools to Build Jails? | Ella Baker Center:

California Budget: Why Do We Cut Schools to Build Jails?


On Monday, Governor Brown released the May Revise to the proposed California budgetOnce again, the Governor caved to fear-mongering special interests instead of doing right by families, taxpayers, and public safety. Despite ongoing failures and shocking abuse, the Governor backed down on his  proposal to close California’s state youth prisons. By realigning youth in the notorious DJJ prisons to counties, California could have saved over $100 million. Instead, the Governor chose to prop up the failed youth prisons while further slashing schools, health and welfare.
DJJ was also spared trigger cuts that higher education, child care programs, and