Friday, April 13, 2012

Yudof stands by Katehi through pepper-spray fallout | Davis Enterprise

Yudof stands by Katehi through pepper-spray fallout | Davis Enterprise:

Yudof stands by Katehi through pepper-spray fallout

HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME NOT …to the distress of some and the elation of others, it’s clear from the statement of University of California President Mark Yudof that he plans no change in the status of Chancellor Linda Katehi in light of the just released pepper-spray report …
Although many are calling the conclusions of the Reynoso and Kroll reports “devastating” for both the chancellor and her administrative team, Yudof pretty much ended all speculation about the chancellor’s future when he said “I look forward to working with Chancellor Katehi to repair the damage caused by this incident and to move this great campus forward.” …
Whether Yudof also looks forward to working with Lt. Pike, Police Chief Spicuzza and the several vice chancellors slammed in the twin reports remains