Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Charter Flood is Still Coming

Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Charter Flood is Still Coming:

The Charter Flood is Still Coming

A recent round of public disclosure documents tells me that I'm not wrong about the tsunami effect of ed reform that is likely headed our way.

Frankly, I think that the state-supported Center for Reinventing Education is really nothing but a think-tank for ed reform.  They likely get at least half their grant money from the Gates Foundation.  I see almost no research on anything else but charters, CMOs, TFA starting a principal TFA (a number of you saw that coming), etc.  I don't mind it so much when it's a privately-funded right-wing think tank but it is depressing to see your tax dollars at work for a one-sided effort.

The current push on ed reform:
  • something called a "fiscal analytics center" that Paul Hill at CRPE was pushing before he left there recently.  It appears to be a souped-up benefit-cost ratio idea.
  • using CRPE as a "lead" for any state-driven research so that the research looks more nationally-based.