Thursday, April 26, 2012

School Tech Connect: The Appearance of a Process

School Tech Connect: The Appearance of a Process:

The Appearance of a Process

I have been critical of Elaine Nekritz over time, I admit it. I thought her performance during the committee hearing on SB512 was lacking, and of course her vote there was insane. She voted for a thing the consequences of which were totally unknown.

However, she is not afraid of answering questions, so for that, I give her props. I send out a lot of emails and very few people in the legislature ever get back personally. Anyone who bothers to answer my questions, I have respect for, even if I disagree with her.

So I sez to her, I sez...

Is there anything that Anders Lindall says here that you find to be incorrect?

"For at least the last two years, we have been calling for such an inclusive process, where we have a full seat at the table, which was not provided in this working group that the Governor appointed.