Monday, April 16, 2012

RheeFirst! » Why is Rhee’s astroturf using a fake front name in Connecticut?

RheeFirst! » Why is Rhee’s astroturf using a fake front name in Connecticut?:

Why is Rhee’s astroturf using a fake front name in Connecticut?

Written by Jon Pelto for his blog. Read the entire post here.
No explanation or reference about why GNEPSA is the fake front name for StudentsFirst.
So much for public disclosure.
If you want to know what Michelle Rhee and her group are spending in Connecticut you have to know they are attempting to “fulfill the provisions of the law” by filing under a different name.
Oh, and it turns out that over the last 8 – 9 weeks, Michelle Rhee has spent $355,861.
$252,000 of that is for her television ads and for raising money and $10,000 or so related to the March 14th rally and getting their operation up and running in Connecticut. Spending that much money on the rally, in turn, is yet another legal violation since the sponsors of the rally weren’t even registered to lobby.
They’ve also hired the former chairman of the Republican State Party to be one of their lobbyists for another $48,000 for the 3 month legislative session.
It will be interesting to see what the Ethics Commission does with an organization that openly violates the spirit of Connecticut’s law by purposely misleading and preventing people from tracking down the reports that lobbyists must file.”