Sunday, April 29, 2012

Questions To Ask in Making the Changes in Schools and Classrooms: A Primer | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Questions To Ask in Making the Changes in Schools and Classrooms: A Primer | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice:

Questions To Ask in Making the Changes in Schools and Classrooms: A Primer

Far too many reformers, regardless of ideology, forget two key principles in pushing for changes that will stick in community institutions.
The first principle is an organizational fact. Both change and stability are constants in every societal institution. No institution is static. They are stable in adhering to rules and daily routines while adopting small and big changes at the same time.
Think of state, federal and local government, big and small business,  hospitals and clinics, police and court systems, and yes, K-12 schools and universities. Planned and unplanned changes occur all the time amid officials and practitioners going about their daily duties. But these changes–installing computers in police cars to doctors using electronic health records for doctors in diagnosing ill patients to teachers allowing students to use