Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PSAT for 4-17-12 (Tax Day): Tell Penny, Vitale and Beinen to pay their fair share!

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PSAT for 4-17-12 (Tax Day): Tell Penny, Vitale and Beinen to pay their fair share!

Lots of reasons to be frustrated and in a bad mood today – but a big one is the fact that many of our wealthy unelected CPS board members get out of paying their fair share of local property taxes, which our schools depend on for 35% of the budget.
Three of those members have saved nearly $200,000 among them, money that could be going toward the CPS budget.
CPS estimates no increase from this revenue source in the next two years, so our ability to maximize tax collection is even more important.
But some of the Chicago Public Schools Board of Education members, who are among the richest billionaires and millionaires in Chicago and the nation, are paying high-profile tax attorneys to ensure that they pay the least amount of property taxes possible.
When these millionaires get tax reductions, the rest of us have to make up the difference; every dollar they save is a dollar