Thursday, April 12, 2012

PROFESSOR: 'Teach For America' Has Gone Off The Deep End - Business Insider

PROFESSOR: 'Teach For America' Has Gone Off The Deep End - Business Insider:

PROFESSOR: 'Teach For America' Has Gone Off The Deep End

|April 11, 2012|
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  • Professor Mark Naison
Professor Mark Naison (Youtube/NewYorkRawVideos)
Teach for America will announce its final round of acceptances for next year's corps tomorrow.
TFA, which recruits recent college graduates to teach in low-income neighborhoods, consistently makes Fortune's list of the Top 100 Employers to work for. Last year, only 11 percent of the nearly 50,000 students who applied were accepted into the prestigious program. So it is no surprise that most students would be thrilled to receive one of the coveted acceptance letters.
But Mark Naison, an African-American studies and history professor at Fordham University, says that the recruits should think twice before accepting. According to him, the program has a noble mission but it is being fulfilled in all the

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