Thursday, April 26, 2012

Principal says many questions flawed on state standardized tests - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Principal says many questions flawed on state standardized tests - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Answer Sheet

Principal says many questions flawed on state standardized tests

This is a letter that P.S. 321 Principal Elizabeth Phillips sent to John B. King Jr., the New York State education commissioner, about questions she has seen on this year’s standardized tests recently administered to students in various grades.
Late last week King decided to invalidate one set of questions on a reading test just given to New York eighth graders that involves a passage about a talking pineapple. After newspapers reported on the questions, King conceded they were “ambiguous.”
In her letter, Phillips raises concerns about other questions on the recently administed standardized tests. Given that the test scores are now used not only to evaluate students but teachers, principals and