Thursday, April 19, 2012

Palm Beach School Board Blasts FCAT; Is Texas-Style Opposition Next? | Scathing Purple Musings

Palm Beach School Board Blasts FCAT; Is Texas-Style Opposition Next? | Scathing Purple Musings:

Palm Beach School Board Blasts FCAT; Is Texas-Style Opposition Next?

Small wonder Florida republican legislators want to end salaries of school board members. They can’t have high-profile opposition to the one thing they cannot go without to drive their privatization agenda. Last night, members of the Palm Beach county school board let everyone know that they didn’t care for FCAT and didn’t like the effect it had on children. From Palm Beach Post reporter Allisson Ross-Ferrelli:
Amid decisions about smoking and cellphone use at schools, four board members called for a decreased emphasis on the high-stakes standardized tests known as the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests.
FCAT scores affect school grades, teacher evaluations, course assignments and promotion and graduation decisions. Wednesday marked the third straight day of the tests, which cover reading, math and science.
“Students are so upset and anxious, they’re losing their hair, they’re not eating, they’re not