Thursday, April 5, 2012

NOT So Important to Swing State Voters in November: Vouchers, School Choice and Merit Pay | Scathing Purple Musings

NOT So Important to Swing State Voters in November: Vouchers, School Choice and Merit Pay | Scathing Purple Musings:

NOT So Important to Swing State Voters in November: Vouchers, School Choice and Merit Pay

A fascinating survey from the College Board is getting significant play from the education media. Joy Resmovits reported yesterday of the survey’s interesting focus on what swing state voters were saying about education policy. So did Education Week reporter Alyson Klein who offered this:

Voters don’t necessarily place a priority on the issues that the Obama administration has steered money to. Just 31 percent want to see funding go to expand school options, such as charters. And just 24 percent place a priority on merit-pay bonuses for teachers. School choice doesn’t seem to register much either—just 17 percent of voters want to see money for vouchers to help low-income parents pay for private schools

I guess Rick Scott and his republican legislative allies aren’t in touch afterall with what actual voters want in Florida. Perhaps the only voices they hear are that of Jeb Bush, Patricia Levesque and the Florida Chamber of Commerce.  Have the three created a faux public clamor for vouchers, choice and merit pay that doesn’t exist?