Sunday, April 15, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Do you have to go to College to be Successful?....The Sunday Education Weekly Reader

Missouri Education Watchdog: Do you have to go to College to be Successful?....The Sunday Education Weekly Reader:

Do you have to go to College to be Successful?....The Sunday Education Weekly Reader

Below is a crosspost of a Tucker Carlson presentation to aspiring writers at a Cato Institute luncheon.  Carlson imparted blunt educational advice that not everyone should and/or needs to go to college to be successful.  His view of education  is antithetical to Arne Duncan's goal of 100% of students attending college.  Take away the political leanings of Carlson and Duncan and think about the ideas both men have put forward for students. 

Do all students need to attend college?  Should all students attend college? Can you learn life skills and be successful without a college degree?  What is most important: hard work or a college degree?


From, "Tucker Carlson gives a Brutally Honest Speech to Aspiring Writers at Cato