Thursday, April 19, 2012

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. If you “think” you voted does that mean you did? « Fred Klonsky

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. If you “think” you voted does that mean you did? « Fred Klonsky:

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. If you “think” you voted does that mean you did?

Chicago is witnessing the largest municipal election in the country.
6,500 candidates are running for positions on Local School Councils, an 80s school reform that has made a difference at many the city’s schools.
LSCs also constitute a bother for Rahm and the other suits who run the bureaucracy. They tried every way possible to discourage teachers, parents and community members from running.
When a reporter for WBEZ asked the Mayor if he voted in the election, he responded.

“You know what? I gotta get back to you and answer that. OK? I don’t know,” Emanuel said.

“You don’t remember if you voted?” Hudzik responded.

“I voted, I voted. Yes, I did vote.” Emanuel said.

This raises all kinds of philosophical questions. Did Rahm vote if he thought he did? Or does he have to actually