Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: New Troll Policy

Jersey Jazzman: New Troll Policy:

New Troll Policy

I have wasted far too much time with trolls lately. Maybe it's a sign of this blog's growth that I now have at least one full-time, dedicated troll stalking me here and at Blue Jersey who is quite conversant in reformy vocabulary.

I don't have a problem with tough arguments against me. I will admit, for example, that a troll did catch me oncesaying something dumb. Good for her or him. Good for me, too, because I need to keep on my toes.

So I've been very tolerant... but enough is enough. Here are the rules:

1) Racist, homophobic, anti-Semetic, misogynistic, etc. language will not be tolerated here.

2) If you say or imply that I am a racist, homophobe, anti-Semite, sexist, etc., you're gone.

3) Make your point and move on. If it's a dumb point, I'll keep it up, but I won't allow you to make it over and over