Thursday, April 5, 2012

The in box. Richard Ingram must go. « Fred Klonsky

The in box. Richard Ingram must go. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. Richard Ingram must go.

As retired teachers, we urge you to fire Mr. Ingram immediately.  As executive director, Mr. Ingram’s duty is not only to protect the interests of TRS and its members, but also to defend the Illinois Constitution.  Some think it is only the job of the Supreme Court to defend the Constitution.  They are wrong.  It is also the obligation of the governor, the legislators, leaders of executive departments, etc.  

First, Mr. Ingram presented a set of worst-case scenarios.  He then used the hypothetical results to bolster an argument that “political reality” trumps the Constitutional protection for pension benefits.  Our governor and legislature take an oath to defend the Illinois Constitution.  They are not allowed to cross their fingers behind their backs when they swear their solemn oaths.  

Mr. Ingram has done incalculable harm to the retirees whom he is paid to protect.  We don’t think