Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Lies, The Deceit, The Chutzpah of UFT President Mike Mulgrew

The Lies, The Deceit, The Chutzpah of UFT President Mike Mulgrew

Leave it to Norm over at Ednotes to get that good juicy inside information on the manipulative machinations of The UFT and The Grand Exalted Mystic Ruler, and sometime Collaborator, Michael Mulgrew and his Unity hacks.

UFT President Mulgrew Seen Here With Vichy President Philippe Pétain
secret memo has gone out to all Unity (I believe just Unity) chapter chairs from LeRoy Barr along the lines that Mulgrew is really neat, and that Mulgrew is LeRoy's BFF, and Mulgrew and LeRoy have slumber parties in which they talk about who is the coolest and that the both gag together over Bloomberg, blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah, something in their about solidarity and stuff and that The UFT is one big happy family and we all need one another.

But along with this memo is a campaign flyer that the CL's are to put in everyone's mailboxes on May 1.