Monday, April 2, 2012

The Abysmal Track Record of CCSSI “Education Reformers” | Truth in American Education

The Abysmal Track Record of CCSSI “Education Reformers” | Truth in American Education:

The Abysmal Track Record of CCSSI “Education Reformers”

Jim Stergios takes us through some of the history in the Boston Globe:
Similar pushes for national standards, driven by various DC-based trade organizations, including Marc Tucker’s National Center on Education and the Economy, the Council of Chief State School Officers, the National Governors Association, and Clinton administration education officials who later migrated to Achieve, Inc., had been attempted in the 1990s and failed.
This recent drive for national standards reinvigorated a collection of unsuccessful DC-based players; and was fueled by more than $100 million from the Gates Foundation. A few years ago,