Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What Is The NEA Hoping To Do With Its "New Action Agenda"? - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - Education Week Teacher

What Is The NEA Hoping To Do With Its "New Action Agenda"? - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - Education Week Teacher:
Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo

What Is The NEA Hoping To Do With Its "New Action Agenda"?

Though I'm receiving plenty of reader questions (but could always use more!), I periodically instead decide to respond to a "Question That's Been On My Mind."
This is another one of those times (I'll be returning to reader questions next week)....
My question relates to the major report and "new action agenda" announced by the National Education Association in December. The report, developed by a NEA-initiated group of teachers called the Commission on Effective Teachers and Teaching, made a number of recommendations.
My question is:
What were the most important aspects of the Commission report, and what might be its practical effects?
I've invited several guests will be responding to this question, including Commission member Renee Moore and NEA President Dennis Van Roekel.
I hope readers will share their responses, too.
Please share your thoughts in the comments, or, if you prefer, feel free to email them to me.