Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weighted formula’s heavy load | Thoughts on Public Education

Weighted formula’s heavy load | Thoughts on Public Education:

A win for Transitional Kindergarten - by Kathryn Baron

Gov. Brown’s latest proposal to eliminate Transitional Kindergarten hit a wall yesterday in the state Assembly. By a 3-to-1 vote along party lines, the budget subcommittee on education finance rejected the governor’s plan. “Eliminating the TK mandate would be a huge step backward for the state and early education,” said subcommittee chair Susan Bonilla, a Contra [...]

Weighted formula’s heavy load - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Some of the “losers” under Gov. Jerry Brown’s school finance proposal said their piece in testimony Tuesday before a subcommittee of the Assembly Budget Committee. A half-dozen superintendents from suburban and rural districts detailed how Brown’s weighted student formula, favoring districts with large numbers of English learners and low-income children, would harm them. Their plight made [...]