Friday, March 30, 2012

Teachers For Social Justice: Teaching Trayvon Martin and Other Resources

Teachers For Social Justice: Teaching Trayvon Martin and Other Resources:

Teaching Trayvon Martin and Other Resources

The following is a blog post that was shared by our brothers and sisters and compaƱer@s in the New York Collective of Radical Teachers (NYCORE).
Teaching Trayvon Martin: Three Strategies for Teacher Educators
Here's a video with discussion with Tim Wise, Al Sharpton and others.
There are also critical essays on Tim Wise's website,
New Rethinking Schools Issue and Resources!
(Posted from the Rethinking Schools website)
Every day, teachers are pressured to compete with each other and push their students over the testing precipice, all in the name of accountability-a word that has become corporate-speak for test, test, test.
The spring issue of Rethinking Schools celebrates our two new books that focus on what teachers are

Upcoming Events

The following are some upcoming events that should be of interest to the TSJ community.
Forced Out: A Forum on Deportation & Incarceration - April 5th
When: Thurs April 5, 9:30am-2pm
Where: UIC Student Center, 750 S. Halsted
Cost: Free
This city-wide forum provides a starting place for a conversation among individuals and families impacted by "mass detention." It also gives students, activists and allies a chance to make connections across issues that are often seen as separate and even competing. By educating people about the shared logic of the prison and immigration systems, Forced Out will increase the links among affected groups and help to create a more unified voice for policy change across all communities.
The Immigrant Youth Justice League will be collaborating to organize two workshops, one on youth and criminalization and another on the intersections of incarceration and detention for gay, lesbian, bisexual and