Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Teacher Survey | MetLife Foundation

Teacher Survey | MetLife Foundation:

MetLife Survey of the American Teacher


The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, conducted annually since 1984 by Harris Interactive, shares the voices of teachers and others close to the classroom with educators, policy makers and the public. The Survey findings also inform MetLife Foundation’s support for education.

New Survey

The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Teachers, Parents and the Economy examines the views of teachers, parents and students about the teaching profession, parent and community engagement, and effects of the economy on teaching and learning in schools (2011). 

Previous Surveys

The entire MetLife Survey of the American Teacher series is now available online at the ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) website: ERIC document (ED)
  • The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Preparing Students for College and Careers examines the meaning of college and career readiness, its place among priorities for the education of all students, and the implications for teaching. The Survey includes the views of public middle and high school teachers, students and parents, and Fortune 1000 business executives (2010). ED519278
  • The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Collaborating for Student Success examines the views of teachers, principals and students about respective roles and responsibilities, if and how they collaborate, and their expectations for the future. The Survey findings were originally released in three parts addressing the issues of effective teaching and leadership, student achievement and teaching as a career, all of which are combined in this report (2009). ED509650
  • The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Past, Present and Future looks back to important questions posed in the earliest surveys to examine changes in the perspectives of teachers, principals and students about teachers, teaching and learning, and professional and parent relationships, and consider future implications (2008). 25th Anniversary Edition.ED504457