Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Sunday evening watch: Diane Ravitch on Public Education, Privatization and Professionalization | Seattle Education

A Sunday evening watch: Diane Ravitch on Public Education, Privatization and Professionalization | Seattle Education:

A Sunday evening watch: Diane Ravitch on Public Education, Privatization and Professionalization

This presentation by Diane Ravitch was given in San Francisco on January 20th of this year and sponsored by the California Teachers Association and the California Federation of Teachers. It includes a question and answer period.
This is the description that was provided regarding her talk:
She provides an overview of the corporate “reforms” being introduced into the education system in the United States and how these policies are undermining not only public education but the entire education process. She outlines the billion dollar non-profit corporations such as the Gates Foundation, Broad Foundation, Walton Foundation and Wall Street who are pushing this privatization of education. She discusses “No Child Left Behind” and “Race To The Top” and the ideology and logic of these policies. According to Dr. Ravitch this is also being pushed by President Obama’s secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
Sit back, relax and enjoy listening to an exceptional presentation.