Friday, March 2, 2012

Steinberg back with API alternative | Thoughts on Public Education

Steinberg back with API alternative | Thoughts on Public Education:

Steinberg back with API alternative - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Rebuffed by Gov. Jerry Brown last year, Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg is back with another academic accountability bill, this time giving the governor lots of latitude to help redefine how to measure schools’ performance. SB 1458 needs to be vague, because, at this point, no one but Brown professes to know what he [...]

PTA is mobilizing for $10 billion fundraiser: Our Children, Our Future - by Carol Kocivar

In towns and cities throughout California, something quite remarkable is happening. Parents and family members are organizing for the largest PTA fundraiser ever. They are not selling gift wrap or candy or washing cars. They are organizing to support the Our Children, Our Future education initiative for the November ballot. This measure will raise $10 billion [...]

Cutting it close to a quorum - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

State Board of Education President Michael Kirst had better hope that Caitlin Snell, the student representative on the Board, doesn’t have any big exams next week at Point Loma High in San Diego. With three openings now on the 11-member board, he may need her presence, if not her vote. With four days before the Board [...]