Monday, March 19, 2012

South Carolina Teacher Suspended For Reading 'Ender's Game' To Middle School Students - Forbes

South Carolina Teacher Suspended For Reading 'Ender's Game' To Middle School Students - Forbes:

South Carolina Teacher Suspended For Reading ‘Ender’s Game’ To Middle School Students

Cover of "Ender's Game (Ender Quartet)"Cover of Ender's Game (Ender Quartet)

In South Carolina a teacher has been placed on administrative leave for reading excerpts of Orson Scott Card’s science fiction classic Ender’s Game to his middle school students.
“The parent that reported him to the school district complained that the book was pornographic,” Tod Kellywrites. “[T]hat same parent also asked the local police to file criminal charges against the teacher. As of today, the police have not yet decided whether or not to file charges (which is probably a good sign that they won’t). The school district, however, appears to agree with the parent, is considering firing the teacher and will be eliminating the book from the school.
“Commonsense Media does say that the book has some violence and should be read by children over 12*,” he continues, “but the children in this class were 14.”
A film adaptation of Ender’s Game is hitting movie theaters in 2013. I imagine it will be no more ‘pornographic’