Monday, March 5, 2012

Seventy-five percent of the students left Milwaukee’s voucher program. Journal says that’s a success? « Fred Klonsky

Seventy-five percent of the students left Milwaukee’s voucher program. Journal says that’s a success? « Fred Klonsky:

Seventy-five percent of the students left Milwaukee’s voucher program. Journal says that’s a success?

The Milwaukee Journal, editorializing about a longitudinal study of the city’s voucher program, says:

A multiyear study tracking students in both Milwaukee’s private voucher schools and Milwaukee Public Schools found that the voucher schools were exceeding the public schools in several key areas. The report’s findings may be significant, especially on reading, but there are still questions, and the bottom line is that improvement and strong accountability are still required for all schools in Milwaukee.

The final installment of an examination of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program shows that voucher schools made significantly higher gains in reading