Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Improved Oversight

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Improved Oversight:
Improved Oversight

On the Board schedule for this week is a work session specifically for management oversight of the Human Resources department.

As folks will recall, the June 2009 state audit revealed that the previous board completely abdicated their duty to oversee the management of the District. While I want to believe that they took this criticism seriously, the fact is that it was nearly two years before they took any action to address the failure. They didn't get around to their first management oversight work until the Spring of 2011. The first department they reviewed was Human Resources. Soon after, the "Chief Talent Officer" hired by Dr. Goodloe-Johnson out of Arne Duncan's camp, was fired. I guess that's what comes from oversight.

Since then, the Board has codified their (intended) practice into the new Policy 1010, Board Oversight of Management adopted this past summer. There is supposed to be a calendar of these management oversight work sessions. They were supposed to occur quarterly and, in the course of each year, the Board was supposed to perform reviews of every department that should get an annual review and half of the departments that are