Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: BEX IV - Full of Mysteries

Seattle Schools Community Forum: BEX IV - Full of Mysteries:

BEX IV - Full of Mysteries

 Finally had my first look at the BEX IV preliminary plans.  I'm sure there is a rhyme and reason to this plan (actually 4 scenarios) and it all revolves around....portables?

As we learn from page 8, there are 170 portables (of all kinds) being used in our district.  Most are general classroom portables at "active" schools - 114.  There are 14 at closed buildings.  The rest have various uses.

Keep in mind they are only talking about middle/K-8 and elementary school buildings for BEX IV (except for Lincoln, Mann and wherever they put the World School).

They have many tantalizing projects but no explanation of what some of them might be used for. 

The projection out date they are looking to is 2021-22 (how old will I be then?  don't scare me like that).

They do not list possible costs for buildings (could be too soon) but those better be costs that reflect the building