Friday, March 16, 2012

School Tech Connect: Why Buy The Cow?

School Tech Connect: Why Buy The Cow?:

Why Buy The Cow?

There was a pretty good discussion yesterday on Democracy Now about labor's relationship with our current President. Evidently the AFL-CIO just endorsed President Obama for all the obvious reasons: we live in a world where there are choices to make, look at the choices, etc.

It's a good discussion. It all played out absurdly early in the NEA for basically the same reasoning, with the possible difference being that the national leadership of the NEA and I'm pretty sure the AFT has bought into one of the underlying themes of ed reform: that the problem with America is the teachers themselves, and the quality of the people going into teaching, and the training that they get in ed schools. It's an unusual shift in policy for an organization that represents teachers but there it is.

I, too, understand that we live in a world where choices have to be made, including the choice of whom (who?) to